As consequências do Brexit após mais de três anos: desafios e polarização no cenário britânico

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25/07/2023 às 18:05
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[1] Entenda o Brexit e seus impactos em 8 perguntas - BBC News Brasil

[2] Acordo no Protocolo da Irlanda do Norte aproxima UE e Reino Unido | Euronews

[3] bulletin_105_st_article1.pdf (

[4] Cronologia – Acordo de Saída UE-Reino Unido - Consilium (

[5] Brexit: Riscos económicos de uma saída sem acordo são “geríveis”, diz BCE – ECO (

[6] EU cooperation on security and defence - Consilium (

[7] Document security (

[8] Tratado de Maastricht (


[10] EUR-Lex - xy0023 - EN - EUR-Lex (

[11] Ato Único Europeu (AUE) (

[12] Euro – história e finalidade | União Europeia (

[13] Tratado de Lisboa (

[14] Living in Europe: citizens' rights if you moved before 1 January 2021 - GOV.UK (

[15] The UK and Erasmus+ | Erasmus+ (

[16] Brexit - (

[17] Scottish independence: Will there be a second referendum? - BBC News

[18] How did the UK economy do since joining the EU? (

[19] European Union (EU) - total population 2022 | Statista

[20] Janeiro de 1973: um Reino Unido dividido se soma à Europa "com pompa" - Internacional - Estado de Minas

[21] Migration Statistics Quarterly Report - Office for National Statistics

[22] Joppke, C. Immigration in the populist crucible: comparing Brexit and Trump. CMS 8, 49 (2020).

[23] EU Migration to and from the UK - Migration Observatory - The Migration Observatory (

[24] Brexit choices are making Britain's fuel and food shortages worse | CNN Business


[26] The impact of Brexit, in charts (

[27] A million people have left Britain. What does this mean for the country? | Jonathan Portes | The Guardian

[28] An evolving picture of UK population change | National Statistical (


[30] The impact of Brexit, in charts (

[31] Understanding post-referendum weakness in UK import demand and UK balance of payments risks for the euro area (

[32] HGV driver shortage: UK government response - GOV.UK (

[33] Integration in the UK and the Post-Brexit immigration system - Migration Observatory - The Migration Observatory (

[34] Brexit, rules of origin and barriers to trade | Comment | Encompass (

[35] IPOL_BRI(2017)583116_EN.pdf (

[36] O Protocolo relativo à Irlanda/Irlanda do Norte em síntese - Consilium (

[37] Acordo da Sexta-feira Santa: 25 anos de paz entre Irlanda e Irlanda do Norte (

[38] Post-Brexit agreements - Consilium (

[39] UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement - GOV.UK (

[40] A new Russia policy for post-Brexit Britain | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Sobre o autor
Pedro Vitor Serodio de Abreu

LL.M. em Direito Econômico Europeu, Comércio Exterior e Investimento pela Universität des Saarlandes. Legal Assistant na MarketVector Indexes.

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